seismology report December 17, 2022

Weekly Seismic Event Reporting

As part of monitoring for the Cornell University Earth Source Heat project, ARA (Weston Geophysical) provides weekly reports on the microseismic activity in the Ithaca area. Weekly reports start in January 2022 and span the time interval before, during, and after activities relating to the development of the Cornell University Borehole Observatory (CUBO). The ARA (Weston Geophysical) contract to perform this work for Cornell University ends in August 2022. Seismic events are detected by a network of seventeen seismometers situated around Ithaca. Fifteen seismic stations were installed by Cornell University and Weston Geophysical in the summer 2019 (Federal Digital Seismograph Network code YU), and two stations are part of the N4 and LD regional networks. Weston Geophysical analyzes these data to detect and locate seismic events occurring in the Ithaca area. The map at right shows the approximate extent of the monitoring region. Each weekly report provides a preliminary overview of the seismic activity detected within the network coverage area during the past week. Microseismic events in the Ithaca area are typically associated with a variety of sources: these include natural background seismicity, noise associated with construction, quarry blasts, mining, and other man-made and natural sources. Microseismic event parameters presented in the weekly reports are subject to change following further review. Map of seismic array and events around CUBO site. There were no events greater than M1.0

Weekly reported events (red circles; scaled by magnitude), network seismic stations (triangles), background seismicity 2020-2021 (gray circles; not scaled), large circles represent distance from the CUBO site at center of reticle.

Current Event Report

Report Date: 2022-12-17 00:00:00
Data Center: Weston Geophysical
Data select start time: 2022-12-10 03:30:00
Data select end time: 2022-12-17 00:00:00
Number of events: 0
Number of network stations: 17
Number of stations alive: 17
Percent data telemetered: 76.5%

Orid Date/Time Latitude Longitude Magnitude Nsta Region From CUBO Quality
  UTC $\circ$ $\circ$ $M_l$ #   km  

\small\em Orid = event id; Date/Time = event origi...
...t appear on the map because they lie beyond the map extent.\\

Technical Information

The raw seismic data are openly available through the Incorporated Institutions for Seismology Data Management Center ( A description of the techniques used to analyze the seismic data by Weston Geophysical, as well as preliminary analysis of events detected from 2019-2021 is available at Events as small as moment magnitude (Mw) -2.5 have been detected by the network and analysis is ongoing to quantify magnitudes for all detected events. The accuracy of microseismic event locations is estimated to be 500 meters horizontally and approximately 1 kilometer in depth. Information about the Earth Source Heat project can be found at

About Weston Geophysical

Weston Geophysical is a consulting firm focused on seismic monitoring and geophysical research. The group is based in Burlington, Massachusetts and is a division of Applied Research Associates, Inc. Weston’s staff has expertise in all aspects of monitoring manmade and natural seismicity, at scales ranging from microseismic to global. Some specific areas of research focus include advanced signal processing algorithms for highly accurate seismic event detection, location, and characterization; field deployments to examine source phenomenology and monitoring induced/triggered seismicity; seismic coda-based studies of magnitude and other source parameters; regional surface-wave magnitudes and discriminants; and three-dimensional seismic velocity models of the crust and upper mantle.